Wednesday, November 5, 2008

V.I.C.E.(VisionInnovationCreationErudtion) Proposal

Sent to Newark Housing Authority- Oct. 30 2008

Project Abstract
Domain Computer Services Inc. is seeking to install high speed internet service to low-income housing projects in Newark, New Jersey, as well as train individuals within the residences to install the internet data cabling into their own community buildings. The training should take approximately 3-4 weekends and at the completion of the training sessions the participants will be certified in data cabling installation. The participants will then have the skills to install data cabling in other housing complexes through the city of Newark. Once the buildings are wired and internet accessible, funding/support will be needed to provide each building with internet capable computers. It will be necessary to promote the action and initiative taken by the Newark residents to receive computers for the buildings by donation or at little cost.

Statement of Need
U.S. Department of Commerce data from 2001 indicated that 78.9 percent of people in families making $75,000 or more had Internet access, compared to 25 percent of people from households earning less than $15,000 a year. Newark, New Jersey had over 40,000 public school students, most of which do not have a computer that is accessible on a daily basis. The internet as well as technical ability is a clear necessity in the modern world, opening doors to education and employment. The Digital Divide is apparent in Newark and needs to be addressed. The Digital Divide is the discrepancy between people who have access to new information and communication tools such as the internet, as well the skills, knowledge and abilities to use the technologies and those who do not. This project will not only provide a resource to information technology, but also allow Newark residents to compete in the job market with those who have the access to these technologies and possess necessary technical skills.

Program Description
This project will enable low-income housing residents an opportunity to become certified in data cabling which can be extended into a profitable life-long career. During the training sessions and by the labor of the participants in the program, the community housing complexes will be cabled for internet capability. After the buildings have internet accessibility, it is imperative to promote the initiative taken by the Newark residents to receive computers for the buildings.

1 comment:

rg said...

I think this is a great start, but again, there is a historical piece that you need to explore in order to effectively bring this to fruition. But, RS will talk more with you about that because she has that background.
